
Admission procedure

- Jabulani primary school accepts children who are able to cope with a mainstream academic curriculum.

- The admission policy is in line with the South African constitution, the South African schools Act (Act No 89 of 1996) and the national education policy Act (Act No 27 of 1996).

Requirements of Registration

  • 1. A copy of the pupil's birth certificate or acceptable proof of birth
  • 2. A copy of his / her most recent school report
  • 3. A completed registration form
  • 4. Copies of parent(s) and guardian(s) identity documents
  • 5. Proof of immunization records

The admission of Non-citizens

  • 1. The policy applies equally to the admission of Non-South African citizens, including parents who are in possession of a permanent or temporary residence
  • 2. A learner who enters the country on a study permit must present the permit to the school
  • 3. People classified as an illegal must, when applying for admission for the children, show evidence that they have applied to the Department of Home Affairs to legalise their stay in the country.

Language Policy
Jabulani primary school is an English medium school and the langauge of learning & teaching. Isindebele and Sotho are the first additional langauages. Learners will not be refused admission on grounds that English is not their official home language.